Hi Iam Aakash Gaurab


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━━━━⊱About Me⊰━━━━

Hi I'm Aakash Gaurab from Ranchi, Jharkhand

A competent NodeJs backend developer, with a strong proficiency in designing and implementing complex systems using various technologies. A deep understanding of data structures, algorithms which enables me to create efficient, scalable, and maintainable code. haveing a passion for constantly improving my skills and taking on new challenges. Some of the Skils that I have learned are HTML,CSS ,Javascript , Express ,MySql and Nodejs

━━━━⊱My Skills⊰━━━━









React JS


BELK An E-commerce website clone

Belk is an American department store chain that sells a wide variety of products, including clothing, footwear, accessories, beauty products, and home furnishings. The Belk website offers customers an online shopping experience that is easy to navigate and search for products.

A Direct messaging realtime chat application using Websocket

A chat application where user can login to chat directly with their friends in realtime.

Doctor's Appointment Booking Webpage

This is a longer card with supporting text below as a natural lead-in to additional content. This content is a little bit longer.

Chat Point [A group chat application]

Group chat applications are essential for any team, workplace, or clique to communicate effectively. To choose the right group chat app, consider the features that matter to you, such as live chatting

Jefit A fitness website clone.

Jefit Inc. is a company focused on creating a unique exercise product that keeps users motivated and inspired to continue with their fitness goals. The company was founded in 2010 and quickly became one of the most widely used health and fitness applications on the market

━━━━⊱My AI Projects⊰━━━━

Pro Manage

A task creation, assigning and manitaining status application similar to JEERA, Learned all Tech-Stack applied on it in JUST ONE MONTH using AI , Also you can chat with AI to find temperature of any city ,Note ONLY 3 REQUEST PER MINUTE as it uses free api-key

Story Generator Using AI

Story Lover !!! Now Generate Story on any topic you want or on any title Using the Power of AI

Code Converter

Convert Your code from one language to another language without having to fear about syntax of other language, Note may take some time as it is deployed on free server


AakashGaurab Github chart

Contact Me!

Let's work together!

Contact Number : +917808927193
Email ID : aakashgaurav456@gmail.com
LinkedIN : Aakash Gaurab
Github : AakashGaurab